World Music Day 2024 – Cyril Luximan

Cyril Luximan

Here is a song by Cyril Luximan in Kreol Morisien (Mauritan Kreol) featured on this blog for World Music Day 2024:

Cyril Luximan lives in the southern coastal village of Souillac, Mauritius. His Kreol  poem Eleksion  (Election) was selected as winning poem for Valentine’s Day Contest organized by Scope  Magazine. His first poetry book Otour Lamour (Love-focused) , in Mauritian Kreol language was published in 2014. He is also the author of the comic book , La Rivier Mous (Save the River) published by his own indie press, Maucontes Editions. In 2021, his project for children books publication was accepted by Africa Culture Fund among the 360 submissions from 36 African countries. He has further published Dominio la tortue, an illustrated book in French and Mauritian Kreol, Sauvons  la Riviere Savanne – comics in French and Pikpik , another children book in Kreol in 2022.He is also an event host, song writer and  has collaborated with various local singers.

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